Live from LechZeit

1 month before arrival - free of charge
1 month to 2 weeks before arrival - 40%
2 weeks to 1 week before arrival 70%
In the last week before arrival, late arrival and early departure 100%
Unfortunately, we cannot offer any short-term cancellation options. Like you, we also need a certain amount of planning security in order to be able to offer you an all-round perfect stay at LechZeit. However, we not only have a responsibility to you, but also to our employees and their families.
However, an unexpected event may mean that your holiday at LechZeit cannot take place as planned. In this case, we want to give you peace of mind. We are now offering you particularly favourable travel cancellation insurance and recommend that you make use of it.
All other conditions are regulated according to AGBH 2006. Place of jurisdiction: Reutte/Tyrol
What does the cancellation cover include?
Incapacity of the insured person to travel for medical reasons (doctor's confirmation)
Serious accident or illness of the insured person, his/her spouse, children, parents, parents-in-law
Death of the aforementioned group of persons
Significant material damage to the insured person's property at their place of residence as a result of fire or natural hazards that make their presence absolutely necessary.
When can cancellation cover be taken out?
The cover must be taken out at the same time as the booking. Cancellation cover cannot be taken out retrospectively.
EURO 4.00 per person and booked day (children up to 12 years are insured free of charge with their parents)
Once proof of one of the above points has been provided, only the payment of the travel insurance premium is due. Cancellation is then free of charge.
Benefits of the LechZeit cancellation insurance:
Assumption of all costs that the guest contractually owes the hotelier at the time of the occurrence of the insured event (in accordance with AGBH 2006)
When the LechZeit cancellation insurance is taken out, the corresponding premium is automatically added to the guest's bill and charged on departure.